Hey look, it’s a blog

Writing a blog is such a weird thing.  I mean, it takes a certain amount of narcissism to think that your life is so interesting or that you have anything to say that is worthy of a few of the finite number of minutes people have in their lives.  I don’t know.  Maybe that’s the introversion talking.  I read a number of blogs and don’t think of any of those people as narcissistic.  They are sharing their experiences and I decide if reading their thoughts is worth the opportunity cost of whatever else I may have done with the time.

I’m largely writing for me, anyway.  I’ve recently been through a rather traumatic experience and I think writing about it will be helpful.  It will also give me a way to keep my family and friends up to date on my recovery without having to write a million emails.  Or talk on the phone.  Ohmydeargods, I hate talking on the phone.

And maybe there is someone else out there who is going through the same thing, or who will be going through the same thing in the future, and reading about my experience could be helpful.  I know I have had a million questions and thoughts and fears and have had a hard time finding info that might comfort me or make me feel less freakish, I mean, atypical.

So here goes.  I write a blog now.  Blogs are cool.


(Oops, I forgot the ***Geek Alert*** warning at the start.  Sorry.)


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